What should I do if I suspect unauthorized transactions on my account?

If you suspect unauthorized activity, follow these steps to address the situation promptly and effectively.

Contact Support: Immediately get in touch with our support team. Reach out via our chat or email channels to report the suspicious transactions.

Provide Transaction Details: When contacting support, provide essential transaction information, including the transaction ID, date, and the amount in question. This information aids in pinpointing the issue accurately.

Await Support's Response: Our support team will initiate an investigation into the unauthorized transactions. They will keep you updated on the progress and any necessary actions you need to take.

Secure Your Account: While the investigation is ongoing, take proactive measures to enhance your account's security. Change your account password and consider enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for added protection.


Follow Support's Recommendations: Based on the investigation's outcome, our support team will guide you through the necessary actions for resolution. This might involve account recovery procedures or potential refunds.

Article Number: 1187
Author: Aug 28, 2023
Last Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Online URL: https://faq.cysend.com/article/what-should-i-do-if-i-suspect-unauthorized-transactions-on-my-account.html